Answered By: Aziz Aboueleinin
Last Updated: Jun 25, 2024     Views: 2507

If you’re using Google Scholar from off-campus, you’ll need to change some settings to ensure that Google Scholar includes links to material held in the University of Waterloo Library’s collection in your search results.

To set-up your off-campus Google Scholar settings:

1. go to Google Scholar

2. select "settings" in the top menu (under "more" if you are using smaller screen device)

Choosing setting option in Google Scholar


3. Select "Library links" form the left hand menu.


Screenshot showing step 3


4. type "Waterloo" in the search box and click on the search icon.


Screenshot showing step 4


5. check the box for "University of Waterloo Library - Get It!@Waterloo" and click the save button.


Screenshot showing step 5

Note: if you want your personal device to remember these settings, make sure your computer is set to accept cookies.

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