Answered By: Amy Lim
Last Updated: Oct 30, 2024     Views: 277

You may request an item you cannot find Omni the Library catalogue by placing an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request.

  1. Use the blank request form to manually fill out the citation details of the item.
  2. You will need to fill out a separate request form for each title, if you are requesting more than one item.
  3. On the form select "Physical item" as your Resource Type, or "Digitized portion" if you only need a single article or chapter of a book.
  4. Select a preferred UW campus pick-up location where you want to pick up your book (if applicable).
  5. Click on Send Request.

For more detailed instructions on filling out the blank request form, please refer to the Omni Blank Request Form infographic.

For more information on Interlibrary loans in general, including contact information, check the interlibrary loans (ILL) webpage.

*Note, Interlibrary Loan service is only available to current students/faculty/staff. You may be asked to sign in with your WatIAM password.

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